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E-Commerce for Business-to-Business: Un-Tapped Gold Mine?

Can B2B Companies Truly Bolster Sales Using E-Commerce? Many business-to-business companies have found the Internet to be a terrific sales tool when it comes to making a great first impression, providing information, and nurturing prospects. The smart ones have also figured out that adding e-commerce to the mix, can bring in millions of dollars in …

Exporting & International Inbound Marketing

More than 95% of the world’s companies and industries operate outside of the United States.* Exporting provides the basis and the impetus for your company to reach the exciting and lucrative global market! As you pursue and widen your exporting initiatives, you will acquire a wider client market. These new clients will grow your bottom …

Top Five Benefits of Global E-Commerce

Global e-commerce has become a necessity for today’s business-to-business companies. The benefits are plentiful and provide large opportunities for growth – even for SMEs. Here are five of the top benefits of adding a global e-commerce platform to your B2B website:

Current Landscape for USA Exporters

by Net Site Marketing™ Over the past year, the US dollar has continued to strengthen, and global online sales have increased both in popularity and commonality. With many consumers and businesses unable to gain access to needed goods that are not widely available in brick & mortar stores in the US or abroad, the need for …